Anna Ella Carroll
An American politician, pamphleteer and lobbyist. She played a significant role as adviser to the Lincoln cabinet during the American Civil War. Read more.

Harriet Tubman
An escaped slave who played an important role in the abolitionist cause as a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad. Read more.

Patty Cannon
A gang leader in the early 19th century that kidnapped slaves and free blacks from Delmarva and transported and sold them to plantation owners located further south. Read more.

Jake Flowers
An Eastern Shore native who played for the St. Louis Cardinals during the 1931 World Series. Read more.

Annie Oakley
An American sharpshooter who traveled across the country and displayed her skills. Read more.

Lt. John Trippe
A member of the U.S. Navy who helped Stephen Decatur in the Battle of Tripoli. Read more.

Ronald L. Rue
A Dorchester County carver whose workshop can be visited on the DCHS campus. Read more.

George C. Jones
An author and historical political trailblazer who helped bring about voting equity in Dorchester County. Read more.